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Houston Hair Transplant Center Featured in Viral YouTube Videos

Hair loss is a common condition that affects celebrities just as much as it affects the rest of us. But with advances in hair restoration technology, regaining a full, attractive head of hair is possible no matter who you are. The Houston Hair Transplant Center has helped those from all walks of life counteract the devastating effects of hair loss. 

And while our practice prides itself on discreet and compassionate services for all of our patients, the vlogger Damien Prince Jr. chose to feature his hair transplant procedure in a recent episode of The Prince Family. We’re flattered! Famous YouTuber Damien Prince Jr. is well-known for his popular channels D&B Nation and The Prince Family, and has over 12 million subscribers! Viewers love The Prince Family for their hilarious antics, glamorous lifestyle, and straight talk. Every episode they post is a fun-filled ride with pranks, drama, and no shortage of laughs. 

However, there’s nothing funny about hair loss, and the Prince Family always keeps it real. That’s why Damien chose to undergo a hair transplant with Dr. Goran Jezic. To learn more about the hair transplant technology we use and how it can help restore a healthy head of hair for you, schedule a personal consultation today. You can reach our Houston offices by calling 713-864-2300.


Also known as androgenic alopecia, male pattern hair loss can be seen with a receding hairline and thinning at the crown of the head. This condition is genetic and will affect half of all men before they turn 50. (1) Damien had started noticing his hair wasn’t as thick or his hairline as low as the other kids while still in elementary school. And after seeing a recent picture on Facebook, he finally had enough. “My hairline was going viral!” Deciding to get a hair transplant is no small decision, but by being open about wanting to improve his hairline, Damien hoped to inspire other men and women to be proactive, and make a positive change. 

Before and After Photos

Follicular Unit Extraction in Houston

With the latest technology in follicular unit extraction and years of experience, choosing Dr. Jezic for a hair transplant wasn’t a hard decision. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) removes individual living hair follicles from areas of the head or body where hair is thick, and then transplants them one by one in areas that are thinning. While this procedure was formerly performed by hand, Dr. Jezic is able to offer his patients two innovative robotic alternatives for faster, more precise results. (2) NeoGraft and ATERA FUE technologies allow for the healthy hair follicles to be placed at an exact depth and location, so that patients can look forward to even, natural-looking results, regardless of their hair type.

Getting Started

After his wife Biannca Prince drops Damien off at our offices, he’s given a sedative and a quick haircut. Our technician is careful to shave the area where the hair grafts will be taken from. Our technician is careful to prep the area where Damien’s fade is thick enough to conceal the evidence of a hair transplant

Dr. Jezic then makes marks on Damien’s forehead to guide the shape of his new hairline. Dr. Jezic explains that it’s important to pay attention to the movement of the forehead when considering a new hairline. If placed too low, the results will look unnatural, and as the hair grows, it will provide additional coverage to the hairline. Damien will end up with a new hairline that’s a little over 1 inch lower than his original hairline, which was showing signs of receding. 

“Did I Snore?”

The procedure begins with Damian lying on his stomach, and Dr. Jezic administering an even row of injections across the back of Damien’s head. This is to ensure that his scalp will be numb before the grafts are extracted. Then, one of our expert clinicians got to work, using one of our advanced FUE systems to carefully harvest and extract the hair grafts. 

And he sure didn’t feel a thing- he actually fell asleep during the extraction process! 

Once finished, Damien was amazed to see the petri dish full of the tiny follicular units. After  more local anesthesia along his forehead, our nurses performed a blood draw from Damien’s arm. This blood sample would then be centrifuged to derive the valuable concentrate of platelets. With high levels of growth factors, these injections encourage healing, and are an important part of ensuring the health of the newly implanted follicles. In fact, Dr. Jezic compares it to “Miracle-Gro!” After the anesthesia takes effect, and all 2000 of Damien’s grafts have been placed, Dr. Jezic injects the platelets into the newly transplanted area, and his procedure is complete. Although the anesthesia and sedative are beginning to fade, Dr. Jezic has given Damien a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine to make his recovery comfortable. 

“I Hate Needles.”

Damien had 2,000 grafts put into his hairline, and the entire procedure took 9.5 hours (with a break for Wingstop lemon pepper wings, fries, and ranch). If he says it once, he says it 100 times, but Damien Prince hates needles. However, the benefits greatly outweigh the pokes! As they recap their day in the front seats of their car, Biannca congratulates Damien on bravely facing the anesthesia, graft extraction device, blood draw, and autologous platelets. For someone that really dislikes needles, Damien was still able to comfortably endure the entire procedure, and even get a nap in. Now, it’s up to him to take care of his new hairline, follow Dr. Jezic’s instructions, and await his results! But first, another trip to Wingstop…

Benefits of FUE in Houston

Damian opted for FUE hair transplants. This procedure allows our clinical team to utilize the latest technology to harvest viable hair follicles in small units. Previous approaches to hair transplantation removed an entire strip of skin from an area with thick hair in order to access follicles. Besides being more painful and requiring a more involved recovery, this procedure also left a large horizontal scar across the back of the head. Thanks to the tiny, nearly invisible scars that FUE leaves, the harvest and transplant sites are easily concealed underneath the hair. 

Personal Consultation

During your personal consultation for FUE, you’ll meet with Dr. Jezic to discuss your health, your hair goals, and determine what the best course of treatment will be for you. There are many factors and medical conditions that lead to hair loss, so Dr. Jezic will be sure to get a comprehensive understanding of your health. To learn more about the other services that Dr. Jezic offers, and the latest advances in hair restoration, follow our blog. Or, be like Damien and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube.


“He Had Surgery- Send Prayers!” 

Recovery from a hair transplant procedure is pretty simple, but there are a few rules to follow to ensure the best results. One of the most important rules to follow is to avoid sweating and any unnecessary contact with the treatment area. Since pulling a shirt over your head could damage the healing follicles, patients need to wear a button-down or zip-up shirt so they can dress and undress safely. 

Immediately after your procedure, the area may be slightly swollen, and there will be small red dots visible where the units were both removed and inserted followed by scabbing. You’ll need to keep the area where the follicles were harvested bandaged and take antibiotics to avoid infection.  Swelling should subside in a couple of days. Non-strenuous activities can be resumed the day after the hair transplant procedure and strenuous activities can resume 2 weeks after the procedure. For the next few weeks, direct sunlight should be avoided for longer than a  half hour.  While your head and scalp heal, it is crucial to not aggravate the treatment areas, so you’ll need to be extra careful when showering, and sleep with your head elevated. Dr. Jezic’s office will provide detailed instructions to make sure that you know exactly how to care for your newly transplanted hair.

In two weeks, the hair that was implanted will fall out, leaving the healthy follicle behind to produce new growth of healthy, natural hair. 

How Much Does a Hair Transplant Cost in Houston?

One of the exciting advantages of Neo Graft and ATERA technology is that they allow us to successfully transplant more grafts in a shorter period of time. Our team can implant over 3,000 hair grafts in just one session – but that’s doesn’t mean just 3,000 additional hair follicles. It’s actually much more: each implanted unit can contain up to three follicles, which means that 2,000 grafts like Damien Prince had could lead to up to 6,000 new hair follicles. The Houston Hair Transplant Center is able to offer customers the price as low as $4.50 per graft. 

You’ll be able to receive an accurate estimate for the final cost of your hair transplant procedure during your personal consultation with Dr. Jezic at our Houston offices. For questions about pricing and financing options, call 713-864-2300 to speak with one of our helpful staff members. 

Don’t forget to follow us on social media. Connect and share your thoughts with us on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. 


  1. Pratt CH, King LE, Messenger AG, Christiano AM, Sundberg JP. Alopecia areata. Nature Reviews Disease Primers. 2017;3(1). doi:10.1038/nrdp.2017.11
  2. Sharma R, Ranjan A. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant: Curves Ahead. Journal of Maxillofacial & Oral Surgery. 2019;18(4):509-517. doi:10.1007/s12663-019-01245-6