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Houston: A Hair Transplant Destination

Houston is one of the leading medical tourism destinations in the world. Every year, thousands of people mark it as their city of choice when it comes to cosmetic surgery – and that includes hair transplants! A hair transplant is a great way to restore your hair to a thick and youthful look. It is hair restoration surgery in which hair is taken from one part of the head and placed onto other areas of the head that are thinning or balding.

Here at Houston Hair Transplant Center, Dr. Goran Jezic provides world-class hair transplants using advanced Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) techniques. We are dedicated to restoring and crafting the most impressively thick and natural heads of hair in Houston. For more information, call (713) 864-2300 or visit our contact page

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Why Choose Houston?

Houston has emerged as a premier destination for medical tourism, offering a host of advantages for individuals seeking high-quality healthcare services. With its world-class hospitals and medical facilities, Houston provides patients with access to top-notch care in state-of-the-art environments. 

In addition to the exceptional healthcare services, Houston offers accessible and affordable options for patients. The city’s competitive pricing, combined with its reputation for excellence, makes it an attractive choice for individuals seeking cost-effective medical solutions including FUE hair transplants. Furthermore, Houston’s multicultural and diverse patient-friendly environment ensures that individuals from all backgrounds feel welcome and supported throughout their medical journey.

Houston medical professionals understand the importance of post-treatment care, providing excellent facilities to aid in recovery and promote overall well-being. Patients can rest assured knowing that they will receive comprehensive support and follow-up care to optimize their healing process.

Traveling to Houston is convenient, thanks to its well-connected transportation network and easy accessibility. The city’s international airport and proximity to major highways make it a hassle-free destination for medical tourists. Additionally, Houston offers comfortable accommodations for patients and their families, ensuring a pleasant and stress-free stay during their treatment.

Getting a Hair Transplant in Houston

Permanently losing your hair can be a devastating blow on your appearance and your self-esteem. Hair loss often occurs and continues as you age. More specifically, it can be caused by these conditions:

  • Alopecia areata
  • Androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness)
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Injuries or burns

Androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of baldness, and can be treated by some medications. However, technological advancements in hair transplants have made it a reliable and efficient means of treating hair loss. (2) 

What is FUE?

Follicular Unit Extraction or Excision (FUE) is an advanced medical technique in the field of hair transplantation and restoration. It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp, and implanting them into the recipient area, where hair loss or thinning has occurred.

Unlike traditional hair transplant methods such as Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT), which involve removing a strip of scalp, FUE allows for the precise extraction/excision of individual follicular units. This results in a more natural-looking outcome, with no visible linear scars. (1)

Dr. Jezic uses the ATERA and NeoGraft FUE systems at HHTC.

Benefits of Hair Transplants

One of the key benefits of FUE Hair Transplants is its ability to provide a customized solution for each patient. Our skilled hair transplant doctor, Dr. Jezic, will work closely with you to design a treatment plan that suits your unique needs and desired outcome. Whether you want to restore a receding hairline, fill in thinning areas, or achieve a complete hair transformation, ATERA or NeoGraft can help you achieve your goals. Hair transplants can restore your hair and make you look younger, healthier and more vital. The hair transplant procedure can make your hair appear fuller and reduce the size of bald spots. This can have a remarkable effect on your self-esteem, making you feel more confident in your appearance. 

Who is a Candidate for Hair Transplants?

You could be an ideal candidate for a hair transplant if you’ve already tried other forms of hair-loss remedies without much luck. Hair transplants require the relocation of healthy hair, so you will need to still have adequate donor hair at the back and sides of your head. You should be in good health so that you may heal safely and recover quickly. It is important that you have realistic expectations about what a hair transplant can do for you. 

Personal Consultation

At your personalized and comprehensive hair loss consultation by Dr. Jezic himself, we will provide you with everything you need to know about hair transplants. He will assess the history of your health and your current condition to determine if a hair transplant is a safe and viable option for you. He will inspect your hair and discuss your goals so that we may create a personalized plan for your hair transplant journey. To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Jezic, call (713) 864-2300 or fill out this form. Please schedule in advance as there may be a wait.


We will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for your procedure. It is important that you follow these instructions closely so you may have a swift and safe recovery. Dr. Jezic may ask you to change specific aspects of your diet and medicine regime. If you smoke, you should stop several days prior to your procedure, as this can affect your healing. You should arrange a ride to and from our facilities on the day of your procedure. 


The extent of your recovery will depend on the type of hair transplant you receive. Generally, you will be able to wash your hair after two days and return to day-to-day functionality. After about five days you will be able to return to work and resume light physical activity. You can resume exercise and other strenuous activity after ten days. We will give you specific instructions based on your particular condition and which transplant procedure you received. You should follow these instructions closely so that your new hair can heal properly and you can enjoy the results as soon as possible. 


The results of your hair transplant will take about a year to fully reveal themselves. A few weeks following the procedure, the transplanted hair will fall out which is normal and grows back. While a single hair transplant procedure will make your hair noticeably fuller, it may take at least one additional procedure to achieve density. 

Hair transplants are permanent insofar as the hair follicles that have been relocated will remain there indefinitely. This is because the hair follicles taken from the donor area are not genetically predisposed to balding in the same way that the ones from the balding areas are. However, they are subject to the same processes of slowing down or stopping in growth with age and medical conditions that your original remaining hair is. It is also possible to receive more than one full-scale hair transplant.  

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

At Houston Hair Transplant Center, we offer treatments that correspond with and complement hair transplants. 

Facial Hair Transplants involve the same techniques as grafting, with an added delineation of texture and viability for healthy and aesthetically pleasing facial hair including beards, mustache and eyebrows. A beard hair transplant can help you grow hair on parts of your face that have never grown hair naturally, as well as fill in any patchy areas. A beard hair transplant can help you achieve a beautiful beard or mustache along with your thick head of hair.

Dr. Jezic and his team also offer advanced procedures such as No Shave FUE, also known as Long Hair FUE, and Body to Scalp Hair Transplants for those with limited donor hair. 

Finasteride (Propecia) for Hair Loss is a prescription medication that can help stem male pattern baldness. It is a good next step if over-the-counter treatments like Rogaine haven’t worked for you. Finasteride can slow down hair loss and help support the regrowth of transplanted hair. It works great in tandem with a hair transplant. 

Dr. Jezic and his team also offer topical compounds, Laser Cap, vitamins, supplements, PDO Threads, cellular micrografting, and other non-surgical hair restoration options. 

To find out what else we’re up to, visit our blog!

How Much Do Hair Transplants Cost in Houston?

Residents of Houston and beyond can rely on Dr. Jezic to provide personalized hair transplantation treatment from start to finish. To find out how much hair transplants cost at Houston Hair Transplant Center, call (713) 864-2300 or contact us online!


Are hair transplants painful?

The discomfort that one may feel during a hair transplant procedure can be mitigated by local anesthesia. Like a trip to the dentist, local anesthesia can be continually applied until there is no discomfort. 

Are there any risks or side effects associated with hair transplantation?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with hair transplantation. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, temporary numbness, and an uneven or unnatural-looking hairline. However, choosing an experienced and board-certified hair transplant surgeon can minimize these risks and ensure optimal outcomes.

What is the success rate of hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation has a high success rate when performed by skilled hair transplant surgeons. The success of the procedure depends on various factors, including the patient’s individual characteristics, the technique used, and post-operative care. A reputable hair doctor will provide you with realistic expectations and work closely with you to achieve the best possible results.


  1. Avram M, Rogers N, Watkins S. Side-effects from follicular unit extraction in hair transplantation. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2014;7(3):177. doi: 
  2. Zito PM, Raggio BS. Hair Transplantation. PubMed. Published 2022.