
The Success Rate of Hair Transplants

One of the biggest concerns most men have while considering a hair transplant is hair transplant success rates. Every man contemplating the procedure wants to know, just how successful are hair transplants? No one wants to get their hopes up about a procedure only to have those hopes dashed by a failed transplant. A hair transplant is a great way to boost confidence and look younger, but who wants to invest time, money, and energy in a procedure that may or may not work? The good news is that for most men, a hair transplant procedure can bring back the appearance of a full or at least fuller head of hair.

What is a Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants have been around since the 1950s. The surgery involves removing a narrow section of scalp with embedded hairs from the back of the head and using it to patch an area with little or no hair. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia by a doctor or specialist.

In order to transplant the hair, the scalp must be cleaned and an anesthetic is used to ensure that the area from which the scalp is removed is properly numbed. Once the strip of scalp is removed, the surgeon closes and stitches up the wound on the scalp. No scars are visible because the area is hidden by hair.

The donor section of the scalp is divided into hundreds or thousands of tiny grafts that contain an individual hair or a few strands of hairs. Hair type, quality, and color will affect the number and type of graft used in addition to the size of the area where the hair is to be transplanted. Once the grafts are prepared, the scalp is cleaned and numbed where the hair will be inserted. A needle or scalpel is used to delicately graft the hair into the prepared holes.

Most hair transplants take about four to eight hours. Additional sessions may be needed if additional hair loss occurs or a thicker head of hair is desired.

Neograft vs. Artas: FUE Hair Restoration

One of the major factors that determine the hair transplant success rate is which technique is utilized during the procedure. There are a variety of considerations to keep in mind when choosing a technique. Expert guidance regarding current trends in hair loss and restoration can be helpful in determining which treatment works best for a particular situation.

FUE has been around for decades. Unfortunately, this procedure has a history of not being efficient. However, Neograft and other motorized devices have revolutionized the field since the technology was developed. Multiple factors come into play when it comes to choosing between these two techniques. Neograft has proven to be more successful for difficult cases with much scarring or for individuals who have had numerous past procedures. Neograft may also work better with certain hair types. Graft quality may also be an important factor in choosing a particular technique.

Artas is a newer technology that is routinely upgraded. Neograft hasn’t experienced any significant modifications in the past ten years. However, there are some limitations involved with Artas, but these limitations are expected to be addressed in the very near future.

Hair Loss Success Stories

One of the best ways to learn about successful hair transplants is to listen to hair loss success stories. The numerous positive testimonies of men from all walks of life are highly indicative of the success rate of hair transplant procedures. Hair loss can be a traumatic experience that can lead to a loss of confidence. It’s much easier to retreat and ignore the problem, but when men experiencing hair loss hear other men share how hair restoration has impacted their confidence, it’s no wonder that hair transplantation procedures are viewed in a very positive light.

For those who have been bothered by thinning hair or balding, a hair transplant can restore self-confidence and improve overall appearance. The hair transplant success rate is excellent and usually, yields a 60 percent increase in new growth for most individuals, but results may vary. It’s important for individuals undergoing this procedure to keep in mind that hair transplantation doesn’t create new hair. The hair you already have is simply placed in an area where that hair is more visible. To minimize risks and increase the possibility of success, only healthy individuals should undergo a hair transplantation procedure.